Class NameVimeo Video Advertising: Virtual Class
Display Date and TimeMondays, April 17th & 24th, 6-8pm

Mondays, April 17th & 24th, 6-8pm
These two 2-hour classes will get you started creating professional advertising videos and give you that “x” factor in marketing.
Second Class held in person at 26 Main Street, Chester

We will walk through creating a Vimeo account and creating your first real advertising video. Vimeo is a powerful free application that makes creating quick, fun advertising videos for any social media account fast and easy. We will also go over branding and color theory concepts that make for a good-quality video. This involves tricks and tips on getting color information online, balancing images, and matching your brand to your videos. All of these aspects create the flow of the video and brand. Vimeo makes this easy to put together. People of any age can use Vimeo

InstructorStephanie Stoudenmire
Teacher Clear NameStephanie Stoudenmire
Time06:00 PM
Total Class Hours4
LInk for
LocationVIRTUAL CLASS - Zoom Link Will Be Sent Via Email Before The Class